Beyond the blue horizon lies a vast deep abyss of the sea, seems like you are falling as you stare and realise how wonderful it is, i cant help but wonder how perfectly God created the beauty on it, somehow i wish i am flying and soar to its highest cloud, gliding with the wind and the friendly birds with me, nahh i'm day dreaming again but somehow got this shot when i was in Batangas, it was not good enough and how i wish i am a professional photographer master in landscaping, natures beauty,scenic photography, i envy those people who could take a shot as they like them to appear on their pictures,considering the shades, the contrast, brightness and many more...only i knew is to take a shot to a subject that is appealing with me rather than making it more than beautiful...someday i'll try it guys to make it more livelier and beautiful but i think it would cost me time and effort in studying every details in photography.. aight?, but then hope its not that bad after all, i really focus my cam in the blue horizon and then not considering the effect of the striking glow and the shades...there it is ...a car travelling along the plantation with the blue horizon above it...anyway i will try next time to capture it more than beautiful...